Bjorn Qorn Popcorn Kernals - BKLYN Larder
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Bjorn Qorn Popcorn Kernals

Bjorn's Homegrown non-gmo popcorn are now available to make at home  for after school snacks or late night movies!  The kernels are Non-Gmo Project Verified and grown on Bjorn's family farm in Minnesota or one of their partner farms in New York's Hudson Valley. You can know which farm it came from by looking at the lot number on the bottom of the box. The first two letters are the farm the the second two are the harvest year. There are differences farm to farm in terms of size, color and texture even starting from the same seed.

"MN" = Bjorn's family farm in Minnesota

"KF" = Kelder's Farm in New York

"FH" = Hudson Valley Farm Hub in New York  

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